SMR No.: WI023-020----
Monument Type: Church
Situated on a shelf above the S shore of the Upper Lake, surrounded by steep cliffs and only approachable by boat. The most westerly of the churches at Glendalough it was partly reconstructed in the 12th century. A small single-celled rectangular structure with a twin-light window in the E gable (similar to St Saviour's) and a doorway with inclined granite jambs at the W which originally had a flat lintel. Two fragmentary Latin crosses and several plain graveslabs are located near the church. To the W is an associated platform where evidence of wattle huts connected by paved paths was found in an excavation conducted by Francoise Henri in 1956-8. The huts were apparently destroyed by an avalanche of slabs and a wooden house resting on a base of stones was subsequently built which had finds dating from the late 12th to the late 14th or 15th century. A charcoal layer was noted here and other charcoal-burning platforms have since been identified in this area.
3D Model 1
Sampled 3D point cloud model (less than 1% of total data) of Temple na Skellig, Glendalough
All 3D models, videos and images of this cultural heritage object/site are the copyright of the Discovery Programme and can be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND).

High Resolution Data
For access and reuse of the high resolution 3D survey data used to derive the online models, images and videos please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Technical Details
3D Capture Method: Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS)
3D Capture Description: Phase based terrestrial laser scanning using a Faro Focus 120 laser scanner. The instrument quotes the following specification:
- Distance accuracy up to ±2mm.
- Range from 0.6m up to 120m.
- Measurement rate up to 976,000 points/sec.
- Intensity & RGB. Integrated colour camera.
- Photorealistic 3D colour scans with up to 70 megapixels.
- Parallax-free colour overlay.
Laser scans geo-referenced using RTK GPS with VRSnow corrections
Data Processing Software
Processing of point cloud data: Faro Scene & Pointools
Meshing of data: Geomagic Studio 2012
3D Modelling & Texturing: Autodesk Mudbox, Mari, 3D Studio Max